Wild Love:

Orgasmic Breathwork Practitioner Training

Wild Love Breathwork
Practitioner Training

The shadow is within you and it’s calling your attention. You push it down into the dark recess within you, you deny it’s existence by being the good girl or boy, by attempting perfection, by making sure others needs are met before your own, you don’t say what you feel out of fear of being judged, abandoned or outcasted (because at some point you were). It has ways of communicating indirectly to make sure others are doing what they want. It is controlling. It is needy. It projects anger & it spits nasty words that are inwardly what it’s also actually saying to you.

It even manipulates YOU. You suppress it & think your intentions are ‘good’, but under that this shadow is there playing. You do things to make people see what you want them to, so that they don’t see the truth, that there is a hunger for more, a desire for life to be experienced, felt, seen, tasted & heard in its ugly, divine realness.

There’s a gnawing underneath your skin, do you feel it?

The shadow is PISSED off that it is being suppressed.

Because this part of you will always be there. The more you deny it, the more she shows up in the shadows.

What you may not be willing to realise is that this shadow is YOU, and that when you get to know this part of you, it is your greatest power.

It wants you to put you first.
It wants you to own your dreams.
It wants you to own your desires.
It wants you to speak your truth.
It wants you to FEEL your power.
It wants you to FEEL the rainbow of the expressions of love.
It wants you to know it.
It wants you to realise you DESERVE to feel that good.
This shadow embodies orgasmic energy,
That will burn all that is not love…

When you open up to receive the gifts hidden deep within yourself, the shadow comes to the light: ecstatic bliss, joy. You own & LOVE these aspects of yourself. We all have them, you are no different. Deep love & an awakening of sensation comes alive within your being.

YOU WILL FEEL, and you become unashamedly YOU.

What is WILD LOVE?

This is a very unique, deeply guided container of 150hrs where you will journey into Self Love Practices, Divine Love and Orgasmic Energy, while learning to harness and use these energies as healing forces within the body. You will learn self-love tools and practices to increase your level of presence and sensitivity, to overcome states of disassociation and self-abandonment.

You will learn to come into contact with the felt expression of Love in your body through the breath, and move energy with intention, so to more deeply sense the experience of your energy moving. You will come into resonance and connection with your shadow sides, and learn to give permission for those aspects of yourself to be there.

You will learn to transmute feelings of shame, guilt, anger and fear into LOVE through breathing that ignites orgasmic energy. You will learn emotional release practices to assist you in the moving of these intense emotions and learn how to facilitate this for your clients that help them feel accepted, safe and grounded.

Through your own direct experience and the experience of the group, you will learn how to hold space for this work with your own clients. The concepts presented may be challenging for those who have suppressed their sensuality, sexuality, and femininity, AND the path to overcoming this prolonged self-abandonment is in the challenge.

Your space will be fully held throughout the container using a private WhatsApp group or Telegram group (whichever is most preferred), where you can express the experience of your journey to the group, receive and provide support.

Through your own experience, you will also learn to guide your clients into using these practices in order to move stuck energy around sexual trauma, repression on the feminine, the role of your inner masculine, emotional alchemy and more.

The Course Content

  • You Will Learn To:

    • Use your own orgasmic energy to heal your body. This journey begins as an experiential journey, where you will learn to facilitate for others.

    • Guide and facilitate the Orgasmic Breathwork technique in a safe and loving way, learning to hold space for the broad spectrum of possibility.

    • Awaken the energy within to realise yourself as your own healer, and guide others into the same realisation.

    • Acknowledge the parts of you that you avoid and the feelings associated with those parts & techniques to assist in their integration.

    • Continue to embody, live from, and work from your empowered feminine self.

    • Remember your divinity and guide others into remembering their’s.

    • Become liberated from shame by mindfully addressing core wounds, challenges and traumas that contributed to the shame present. Use this experience as foundation for mindfully guiding others through their’s IF and WHEN THEY are ready.

    You Will Learn About:

    • The power of cultivating a strong energy body.

    • Somatic Experience of emotions & how to move them.

    • Empowering your Feminine.

    • Reclaiming your Unique Identity.

    • Your unique connection to the divine & becoming a channel.

    • Parts integration practices.

    • Holding space for your clients to move energy in this way.

  • Modules:

    Module 1: Increasing Awareness with You, Your Body & Your Life

    Module 2: Why Breath, Movement & Sound?

    Module 3: Belief Systems around Sexuality & Womanhood

    Module 4: Committing to Growth

    Module 5: The Chakra System

    Module 6: The Science of Self-Love

    Module 7: Commitment to Life

    Module 8: Trauma Integration tools

    Module 9: Victim Consciousness & Reclaiming your Power

    Module 10: Normalising & Neutralising Shame in Co-Dependent Relationships

    Module 11: Connecting to Higher Self

    Module 12: Emotional Mastery

    Module 13: Orgasmic Energy: Why We Suppress it?

    Module 14: The Nature of Trauma

    Module 15: Sexual Trauma

    Module 16: Breathwork As A Business

    This is a Pathway to Embodied Breathwork Training Facilitator & Practitioner.

Requirements for Certification

  • Practicum:

    • Complete all LIVE Sessions with Karina and complete all homework tasks.

    • 7 Group Breathes during the training where you will both participate and hold space for.

    • After Training: Take 3 people through 5 Orgasmic Breathwork sessions.

  • Theory:

    • Full participation in 80% of all sessions.

Next Intake Dates

  • Start Date: October 2024

    Dates: TBD

    14 Day Immersion in Bali.

    2x2 Day Immersions Nov & Jan

    2x3hr Meetups Dec, Feb.

    12 SPOTS.

Investment Options

  • Wild Love Breathwork Practitioner Training:

    AU$5500 Dorm Style Rooms & Food
    +AU$900 for single room upgrade

    • Payment Plans Available.

    Two Partial Scholarship Positions Available

    Book a call with me to see if it's the right fit for you. You will be charged in AUD.

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