Our Healing Method

How it works…

Our Embodied Breath Academy trainings are not just breathwork trainings, they are LIFE SKILLS trainings. When you come through our trainings, you learn how to move through the challenges of life with more ease, grace & capacity to hold more. You learn how to create the life you deeply desire, one that you genuinely feel worthy of. You learn how to move forward with courage over fear, and self love over self deprecation. 

To learn these skills, you go through the transformation yourself, embodying all the elements listed below.


Your breath is the fuel for all your sessions. Your breath is used in the body as prana/life force and we add life force to that which is already within you. This will help you move tension, stress, trauma & stuck energy.


Your body is constantly sending you messages. We use the body in sessions in order to learn to receive those messages, be more in connection with the body so that your awareness of yourself can expand.


Some of our subconscious limiting beliefs we have in our psyche we believe as true as the sky is blue. But the stories we tell ourselves are more often not true, but rather misinterpretations from previous times. Because of Neuroplasticity, you have the capacity to literally “change your mind” through awareness and practice.


We can’t change the past, but we can change the way we feel about what happened. Because of the way the brain is structured when something traumatic happens, often the memories become fragmented and we are unable to process them as we would a normal memory, and it may show up frequently and for no apparent reason. Making peace with what happened to you will support the processing of that memory.


This is so BENEFICIAL to how you approach life. Understanding your emotions literally give you a road map to living life in a healthy and mature way. Learning to acknowledge your emotions and choose how you behave because of them is a powerful skill that can be taught.


Because of all of the above, we often get locked into patterned behaviour that is preventing us from really experiencing life we desire. You can change these patterns by changing the way you behave.

From learning all these skills in our Embodied Breath Academy Rebirthing Breathwork Practitioner Trainings you will change your life.

The changes in peoples lives do vary from making life changes as small as little tweaks in their communication to as big as making different life choices moving forward. All changes in thought, emotion & behaviour no matter how small or how big will alter the course of your life, transforming it forever.

It is all possible and all available to you.

Our Rebirthing Breathwork Practitioner Trainings are happening IN BALI in May 2024. Join us for the most transcendental and transformational two weeks of your life, in the backdrop and energy of the sacred lands of Mama Bali. There are 12 spots left!

Can’t come to BALI? No problem! We are running an online training in March 2024.

To read more, click on the link below.